An Ode for a Wishlist

We need saws for cutting firewood,
And ropes for climbing trees,
And wood for building treehouses,
But that's not all you see,
We're very short of nails and screws,
And hammers drills and wood,
Of cooking pots and drinking mugs,
You've got some wow that's good.
We also need some bender tarp.
And winter blankets too
But we haven't got any money
So we're reaching out too you
For chains and nets and pliers
Plastic pipe and hose
And while we're all about it
We need more winter clothes
Harnesses and scaffolding
Screwdrivers and padlocks
Water bottles, paraffin
And please some woolly socks
Plastic sheets and batteries
Candles, shovels, hoes
Gardening equipment
And anything that grows
Buckets, karabinas
Camping stoves and bikes
Burners for our benders
Are all things we would like
Axes, string and figure eights
We really feel their need
But if you haven't got any
Then how about a thneed!

Rors X