Andy’s, like, whatever  pages
got data?

GEO111 -- week 01:
historical ice-core pCO2 record data;
Phanerozoic pCO2 proxy data;
Observed global mean temperature anomaly data;
Observed Riverside temperature trend data;
2D model grid data;
Assessment #1: Riverside COVID-19 data; San Bernardino COVID-19 data.
GEO111 -- week 03:
monthly global gridded temperature data: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jly, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec.
continental outline files: 'k', lon, lat, start, end;
GEO111 -- week 04:
pCO2 data -- simple format;
pCO2 data -- complex format;
pCO2 data -- Excel format;
model netCDF file -- 2D;
model netCDF file -- 3D;
global Earth surface topography data;
ice-core CO2 data.
USGS Ridgecrest earthquake data;
USGS Ridgecrest earthquake m-file.
GEO111 -- week 05:
monthly ocean temperature data: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jly, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec.
GEO111 -- week 08:
Pokeball image file;
GEO111 -- week 10:
Images: Pokeball, Eevee, background.
Code: pokemon game m-file
GEO111 -- exam data:
GEO111: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences (2020/21)
   * GEO111 course guide including syllabus and course overview, weekly learning goals and lab exercises, micro-assessments) [in development -- check back for updates].
   * OLD (2019/20) course guide *for reference ONLY*.
   * The GEO111 course text [in development -- check back for updates].
   * The GEO111 numerical modelling text [in development -- check back for updates].
   * MATLAB 'Getting Started Guide'.
GEO111: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences (2019/20) [OLD]
   * GEO111 course guide *to-date* (including syllabus and course overview, weekly learning goals and lab exercises, micro-assessments).
   * The GEO111 course text [in revision].
   * MATLAB 'Getting Started Guide'.
   * m-files for exercises in Section 4.5.2 -- main program script file plus function.
   * m-files for Assessment #6 -- main program function, plus player counter neighbour finding function.
   * Finales Exam files: instructions and worksheet m-file; ice-core CO2 data data, glacial-interglacial d18O data.
GEO111: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences (2018/19) [OLD]
   * GEO111 course guide to-date (including syllabus and course overview, weekly learning goals and lab exercises, micro-assessments).
   * Current revision of the GEO111 course text.
   * MATLAB 'Getting Started Guide'.
   * micro-assessment #6 files: m-file; etheridge_etal_1996.txt; model_grid.txt; data_caco3.dat.
GEO157: An Introduction to Geographical Information Science (2017/18) [OLD]
   * Course Syllabus and Introduction
   * Current course TIMETABLE.
   * Course material (by week number):
   (01) lecture #1, plus Lab presentation
(02) lecture #2, Problem set #1
(03) preamble ... and lecture #3 (part I) ... AND ... lecture #3 (part II).
(05) preamble (misc info and problem set discussion); slides on relational algebra and a relational table example.
(06) preamble; paper presentation instructions; example publication data bank.
(07) paper presentation running order.
   * Final project INSTRUCTIONS.
GEO111: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences (2017/18) [OLD]
   * GEO111 course guide to-date (inc. weekly learning goals and lab exercises, micro-assessments).
   * GEO111 course text to-date (also old (2016/17) complete course text for reference).
   * MATLAB 'Getting Started Guide'.
GEO111: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences (2016/17) [OLD]
   * GEO111 course text [!!!OLD (2015/16) DRAFT!!!] (just FYI)
   * GEO111 course outline
   * MATLAB 'Getting Started Guide'
   * Weekly learning goals and lab exercises + relevant course text chapter
   (01) lab #1, chapter #2.
(02) lab #2a, lab #2b, chapter #3.
(03) lab #3a, lab #3b, chapter #3a.
(04) lab #4, chapter #3b, chapter #5, chapter #6.
(05) lab #5, chapter #5a.
(06) lab #6, chapter #8 (revised & extended (+'daisyworld')).
(07) chapter #8 (FINAL).
(08) chapter #9, chapter #9a (for Friday LAB).
(09) lab #9, chapter #7.
(10) chapter #7 [extended].
   * Midterm paper: exam overview, course text (to date).
   * Finals paper
   * GEO111 course text FINALS course version
Misc lectures [OLD]
   * GEO161: (a) model guide.
   * GEO161: (b) model code.
   * GEO161: (c) lecture 1.
   * GEO161: (d) lab.
   * GEO161: (e) lecture 2.
   * (2a) Geobiology.
   * (2b) Geobiology -- PRINTER-FRIENDLY.
GEO111: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences (2015/16) [OLD]
   * GEO111 course text
   * draft course outline
   * MATLAB 'Getting Started Guide'
   * Weekly lab plans: (1) week #01, (2) week #02, (3) week #03, (4) week #04, (4a) week #04a (special Friday 21st April class instructions), (5) week #05, (6) week #06, (6a) supplimental lab handout, (6b) supplimental supplimental (Excel) lab handout, (6c) week #06a (Friday 6th May), (7) week #07 handout, and background reading, (8) week #08, (9) week #09.
   * midterm paper.
   * FINAL finals paper.
UCR courses -- *DRAFT*
   * GEOxxx: Numerical Techniques for Geosciences course outline v0.1.
   * GEOxxx: Earth System Modelling course outline v0.1.